Guild members around the world commit to pray for:
The Canonization of Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., a future Saint for Family Prayer
The continuation of his mission through Holy Cross Family Ministries
Their family and all families around the world.
Are these things important to you too? If so, we ask you to consider joining our worldwide community of prayer, The Father Peyton Prayer Guild.
In gratitude for Guild member prayers and participation:
A Mass intention is prayed for members of the Guild and their families at the Father Peyton Center in North Easton, MA on the first Friday of each month. Guild members have an opportunity to submit their prayer requests for that special Mass.
Guild members receive The Family Link newsletter and monthly communication from the Vice Postulator/Guild Director to share ongoing spiritual reflections, updates on Father Peyton’s Cause and news of ministry activities.
Guild members are invited to Holy Cross Family Ministries’ events throughout the country, particularly local chapter events in their area.
All Guild members are invited to send in their chapter, family, or individual photo to be displayed in the Father Peyton Center, North Easton, MA.
Guild Chapters, families and individuals receive a certificate.
Guild members become part of an important community of prayer with families around the world.
Each prayer brings Father Peyton one step closer to Sainthood!
Father Peyton Prayer Guild Membership options now include:
Chapter (group)
and Individual
For more information, please contact the Vice Postulator/Guild Director at:
Holy Cross Family Ministries, 518 Washington St., N. Easton, MA 02356-1200
1-508-238-4095 ext. 2021
Resources for Guild members are available for download here or by contacting the Vice Postulator/Guild Director.
©2020. All Rights Reserved. The Family Rosary, Inc.