Who Was Father Peyton?


Father Peyton was never without a Rosary

A Champion for Family Prayer

Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. was born in 1909 in Ireland to a devout Catholic Family. Praying the Rosary together each night was a routine in the Peyton household and laid a strong foundation for Father Peyton's faith, which he would need when he joined the Congregation of Holy Cross as a priest.

Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. devoted his priestly life to spreading the devotion to Mary and encouraging family prayer, especially the Rosary. He used radio, television, and film, and 540 Rosary Rallies worldwide to accomplish his mission.

Today, Father Peyton's messages that "The Family That Prays Together Stays Together" and "A World at Prayer is a World at Peace" are still well known around the world. His Cause for Sainthood was officially opened in 2001 and he is currently named Venerable. With your prayers, hopefully he will be recognized as a Saint for Family Prayer!

His Remarkable Life >


There are many ways you and your family can become involved in Father Peyton's Cause for Sainthood.

Prayer Guild >
The best way to support Father Peyton's Cause for Sainthood is with your prayer. Join his worldwide prayer Guild. No fees. Just the commitment of your prayer for his Beatification, the continuation of his mission, and for all families, including yours! We'll keep you updated with news and spiritual support.

Sainthood >
The Church’s Sainthood process is long and thorough. It requires a lot of patience and many prayers. But once someone is declared a Saint, we can be confident he/she is worthy of the title! Learn how someone becomes a Saint, where Father Peyton is in the process, and the prayers you and your family can pray for his Beatification and intercession (help.)

Submit Your Prayers > 
We are here to pray with you and for you. We pray the Rosary and celebrate Mass together each weekday for your intentions. You may also pray with us live each day on the Family Rosary Facebook page.

His Ministries Today > 
After Father Peyton went home to God in 1992, his ministries not only continued, but grew into a family of ministries that support and encourage families around the world today.

Museum of Family Prayer >
The newest member of the ministry family is the Museum of Family Prayer, established to honor Father Peyton. Families visit this interactive multimedia museum to discover more about this Sainthood candidate, view many of his own personal artifacts, learn about the history of prayer, and most importantly, have the opportunity to pray together as a family.

Support the Cause and Ministry >
There are many ways you can support Father Peyton's cause for Sainthood and the ministry work today. Together, let's make Father Peyton a "Saint for Family Prayer." There has never been a greater need to encourage family prayer throughout the world.

Recent News




PRAY: THE STORY OF PATRICK PEYTON, the documentary you've heard so much about, shares the powerful story of Father Peyton's life and ministry. After acclaim in theaters, we are happy to offer families, groups and organizations the film for purchase or rent on several platforms.

PRAY is more than just a movie. The release of the film launched the PRAY TOGETHER NOW CAMPAIGN. Families have access to practical tools and resources to make daily family prayer, especially the Rosary, a cornerstone of their life. It also includes prayer reflection nights where parishes and groups can gather to build community.

More info to purchase, rent or view >


This Prayer Hero has a Comic Book!

Father Peyton's inspiring life story is now made accessible for the first time in a beautifully illustrated comic book format. A unique gift for the young and not so young! Available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Order now >


Join Us Online - Weekday Rosary and Mass

We invite you, family and friends, to join us online for Rosary prayer and Mass each weekday at 11:30 am EST, streamed live from the Father Peyton Center, on the Family Rosary Facebook page  and on YouTube If you miss it live, we'll save it there for you and your family to watch later. (A Facebook account is not required to view.) 


"The Family That Prays Together Stays Together"

"A World at Prayer is a World at Peace"
Venerable Patrick Peyton -